TOPSHOT - US President Joe Biden sits in the Oval Office as he signs a series of orders at the White House in Washington, DC, after being sworn in at the US Capitol on January 20, 2021. - US President Joe Biden signed a raft of executive orders to launch his administration, including a decision to rejoin the Paris climate accord. The orders were aimed at reversing decisions by his predecessor, reversing the process of leaving the World Health Organization, ending the ban on entries from mostly Muslim-majority countries, bolstering environmental protections and strengthening the fight against Covid-19. (Photo by Jim WATSON / AFP)
拜登簽署行政命令實行「買美國貨」,要求美國聯邦政府在四年內,預算以 4000 億美元的購買美國的商品與服務,並預算將 3000 億美元投資在美國研發重要科技,更會收緊規則以提高美國產品的採購比重,堵塞買外國貨的漏洞。這些政策在拜登去年 7 月競選時提出,並將履行。美國與加拿大每年雙邊貿易總額 7,250 億美元,前加拿大外長加爾諾(Marc Garneau)指,政策與加拿大息息相關,兩國的經濟高度結合,政策會動搖美加經濟貿易,料令部分加國企業受被排除於美國的採購市場之外,他預料抗議聲音將變得更為高漲。
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