
2016年7月23日 星期六

驚呆了!泰國王室繼承人出訪歐洲 就穿成這樣(組圖) _-,

作為泰國王儲,瑪哈•哇集拉隆功的公眾形象,並不是高高在上的,在部分民眾心中,他就是活脫脫的花花公子。今日,俄羅斯衛星新聞網又披露了這位王室繼承人的出訪照,瑪哈•哇集拉隆功竟穿著卷到腰部的露臍背心,運動涼鞋出現在德國慕尼黑機場。至少有30人在機場看到了王子和王儲妃。照片上可見,泰國皇家航空公司的機組人員們對這位儲君以及他的夫人畢恭畢敬地服務,而另一張照片上則可以看到,保安人員殷勤地位他們打開了「奔馳 ...










The crown Prince of Thailand arrived in Munich in sandals and indecent top

The crown Prince of Thailand Maha Vajiralongkorn, who flew to Munich for Boening-737, showed up at the airport with a white poodle in his arms, in sandals and a too short shirt, put on display a huge tattoo in his back. In this form, it captured the German tabloid Bild.

Dressed in rags with attire heir contrasted quite Royal size setting: at the airport for Maheu and his wife Sucedeu watched at least 30 people. One photo shows how the crew of Royal Thai Airways, salutes the crown Prince and his wife, on the other helpful as a bodyguard opens the door of a Mercedes.

According to the tabloid, in Bavaria Maha Vajiralongkorn bought his wife a Villa on lake Starnberg for 10 million euros, but in the social media discussion has caused this, and the appearance of the Prince. 「He would need to pull up jeans. If he appears on the streets of Munich, it will be for the homeless or a drug addict, not a Prince,」 said one of the users of Facebook.

來源 source: http://ww.circle01.com
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