
2016年1月20日 星期三

泰國版韓國整容主題節目《Let Me In Thailand》:第一個入選者終於亮相,讓泰國人都傻眼了!(組圖) _-,整容,

根據泰國媒體18日有關泰國版的韓國整容主題節目《LetMeInThailand》的報導:Changingfaces:ThaiwomangetsnewfaceinKoreansurgeryshowFrombeingayoungwomanwhowasnotconfidentenoughtoeventakeaselfie,Linnowproudlystrikesaposeforthecameraafte ...

根據泰國媒體18日有關泰國版的韓國整容主題節目《Let Me In Thailand》的報導:

Changing faces: Thai woman gets new face in Korean surgery show

From being a young woman who was not confident enough to even take a selfie, Lin now proudly strikes a pose for the camera after having a life-changing makeover.


Korea surgery show

In the first episode of 「Let Me In Thailand,」 the Thai edition of the popular Korean TV show, Wongtawan 「Lin」 Panuprateep was selected as the first woman to be flown to South Korea for plastic surgery.

第一集的《Let Me In Thailand》,泰國版的韓國著名整容主題電視節目,旺達婉。琳是第一個在眾多參賽者中脫穎而出 被安排飛到韓國去整容的。

Lin, 23, had dropped out of university as her family only has a monthly income of THB5,000 and could not afford her tuition. Lin tried to find a job, but no one gave her a chance.



"I want a good job. I want to give my mom a better life," she said.


Maybe she needed to make a change, she thought.


After being chosen as a contestant for the show, surgeons performed extensive work on Lin’s entire face, with her jawline the biggest challenge for doctors. Lin underwent teeth, jaw, eye, and nose surgeries before completing the process with Botox and forehead fillers, transforming her into a new person.


"I like it a lot," Lin said when she saw her face for the first time. "I'm overwhelmed. It's the best opportunity I've been given in my life."





來源 source: http://ww.circle01.com
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