
2015年11月16日 星期一

32個求神拜佛「希望明天會更好」的超衰人,相比之下你會覺得剛剛中了六合彩! :D,六合彩,

This woman, who doesn't know how she lost control of the situation.

1. 這個不知所措的女人遇到的窘境,要是發生在我身上,我也早就嚇傻了!

2. 這個媽媽休想勸女兒別挑食了!

This mom, who will never get her kid to eat vegetables again.


3. 可說是衰到家了!

This woman, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.


4. 以後你還是別搞這樣的大工程了吧!

This man, who was just trying to get some yard work done.


5. 請問這是所謂的「重口味」嗎?

This guy, who doesn't even like black pepper that much.

6. 老兄冷靜啊!沒被邀請到婚禮也不必這樣凶吧!

This elephant, who is just lashing out because he wasn't invited to the wedding.

7. 這些住戶都被騙

These tenants, who have probably been paying too much in rent.



8. 這是樂極生悲的證明嗎?

This guy, who got a little too cocky.


9. 這個新娘萬萬也沒想到摸摸可愛的企鵝也會有這樣慘痛的下場吧!

This bride, who wasn't planning on wearing something borrowed, something blue, and something yellow.


10. 就想好好喝杯奶昔,有這麼難嗎?

This girl, who just wanted a milkshake or two.

11. 惹錯河馬就會有這樣的下場!

This man, who pissed off the wrong hippo.

12. 天啊!是軟骨功嗎?上廁所能上成這樣也是一種特技專長!

This guy, who is experiencing something that no human being should ever have to experience.

13. 下一秒…悲劇!

These babies, who are definitely going to be cranky after this.


14. 哎呀!不得好死啊!

This poor soul.

15. 好不容易花了兩小時烘焙的生日蛋糕,竟然!

This woman, who just wasted the last two hours of her life.

16. 這是《冰雪奇緣》吧!

Everyone who was affected by this situation.

17. 為了不想上班遲到,這名女人做出的犧牲真的太大了!

This woman, who thought she just might make it.

18. 相信他以後再也不敢站上磅秤了!

This guy, who now feels a little worse about himself.

19. 這頂帽子,以後還是別戴了吧!

This lemur, who thought his head would be a little more comfortable.

20. 這不是電影中才會出現的情節嗎?

This person, who really has to pee.

21. 這對鋪路的人與腳踏車騎士來說,都超慘的…



22. 有些人還是不要開車比較好…

This father, who now has to explain it to his wife.


23. 禍不單行啊!

This man, for whom things just went from bad to worse.

24. 要是我,當下一定笑到肚子酸!

This person, who wasn't going for extra-spicy.

25. 這時候搞丟車鑰匙真的不太好吧!

This guy, who lost his keys in the snow.

26. 相信車主,再也不會來光顧這家店了!

This car owner, who will never come in for a brake light repair again.

27. 只想坐下來喘口氣,也要被K昏…唉~太可憐了吧!

This girl, who was only trying to sit down and rest.

28. 原本要拿來漆牆壁的,現在後車廂全部換上新的顏色了呢!

This person, who wasn't planning on painting his car.

29. 這是我不敢坐雲霄飛車的原因!

These people, who are living your worst nightmare.

30. 當攝影師也是很苦的,好嗎?

This eagle trainer, whose best friend has gone wrong.

31. 「喂老兄,別忙拍照,快拉我一把啊!」

This police officer, who will never hear the end of it.

32. 這根本是目睹《鐵達尼號》與《汽車總動員》合體的現實版嘛!

This guy, who had to be the one to break the bad news.



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