獨角獸真實存在?德博物館展出「奇異化石」 頭快比身體長「歷史事蹟曝光」
獨角獸是否真實存在一直以來都是極度有爭議的論點,甚至其歷史可以追溯至公元前398年,但卻沒有任何歷史學家真正挖掘到「獨角獸的化石」,但卻有人發現德國的馬格德堡自然歷史博物館(Museum of Natural History Magdeburg)竟展示了一個外形極度特殊的化石,甚至還將它取名為「馬格德堡獨角獸」(Magdeburg Unicorn)。
原來是因為這一具化石是在1663年時被挖掘到的,但當時因技術不夠先進,考古學家也不知道每一根骨頭是如何拼湊的,當時的人又對獨角獸的神話深信不疑,最後才由當時的德國物理學家奧托·馮·格里克(Otto von Guericke)宣稱這是一隻「獨角獸」,也才被拼湊成了現在的模樣。
Seen this tweet? The so-called Magdeburg Unicorn has been a legend on the internet for years and has haunted the scientific community for centuries. It also has a complicated history. Let’s travel back in time a few centuries. ?https://t.co/4E7YhU35Yc
— Madison Dapcevich (@madisondap)August 17, 2022
@p0.051If you are interested in unicorns, you might want to have a look at the Museum for Natural History in Magdeburg, Germany. This "unicorn" is a result of wrong sceletal reconstruction around the 17th century. They, wrongly, cobbled together three animals in one: the skull of a rhinoceros, the horn of a narwall and the legs of a mammoth. Or unicorns might exist after all ;)#museumtok#unicorn#magdeburg#taxidermy♬ OMG - White Gangster
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