
2015年12月20日 星期日

人猿慘遭管理員性侵成孕? _-,

天下奇聞,印尼泗水動物園裡一隻從來沒有與其他人猿混在一起生活過的人猿居然懷孕了!經手人竟然是禽獸不如的管理員???PekerjaZooDidakwaPerkosaOrangUtanSehinggaHamil(19-12-2015)SURABAYA:MisteriseekorOrangUtanyangtidakpernahbercampurdenganOrangUtanlainbuntingtela ...

天下奇聞,印尼泗水動物園裡 一隻從來沒有與其他人猿混在一起生活過的人猿居然懷孕了!經手人竟然是禽獸不如的管理員???

Pekerja Zoo Didakwa Perkosa Orang Utan Sehingga Hamil


SURABAYA: Misteri seekor Orang Utan yang tidak pernah bercampur dengan Orang Utan lain bunting telah terjawab apabila kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) merakam tindakan kejam seorang lelaki yang didakwa pekerja Zoo Surabaya telah merogol haiwan berkenaan dan beberapa Orang Utan lain.

(印尼 泗水訊)天下奇聞,印尼泗水動物園裡 一隻從來沒有與其他人猿混在一起生活過的人猿居然懷孕了!真相通過閉路電視錄影揭曉,原來是一位禽獸不如的動物管理員性侵那隻人猿,另外還有幾隻人猿也不能倖免。

Memetik laporan Harian Metro, pekerja berumur 38 tahun berkenaan kini dipercayai telah ditangkap selepas pihak zoo meneliti rakaman video berkenaan dan melihat sosok lelaki sama dengan lelaki berkenaan.

根據Harian Metro的報道,該名相信已被逮捕的38歲管理員,是通過閉路電視錄影被認出來是性侵犯。

Menurut kenyataan seorang kakitangan Zoo tersebut, Akhiroel Yahya berkata, ada antara haiwan berkenaan teransang secara seksual apabila hendak diberi makanan.


「Tetapi, apa yang paling membuatkan kami mengesyaki sesuatu tidak kena ialah melihat orang utan tertua kami, Marylin, hamil sedangkan dia tidak pernah bercampur dengan orang utan lain disebabkan sifatnya yang agresif,」 katanya.


」但是,讓我們起疑的是,這隻叫瑪里琳的雌人猿,同時也是這裡年紀最大的人猿 竟然懷孕了!而最奇怪的是她從來沒有與其他人猿混在一起生活過,因為她的行為過於激進!「該名職員說。

Pengarah zoo, Abdoel Hakim yang marah dengan kejadian itu mengakui mengambil masa untuk mengenal pasti apa sebenarnya berlaku.



但根據一名雅加達大學的古生物學者Bachtiar Pado Panghulu 說,「有這個可能性,因為人類與人猿的基因非常接近,只有少許差異。」




(December 16th, 2015 )

Surabaya | A zoo keeper at Indonesia’s Surabaya zoo has been arrested and charged with sexual assault on a number of animals and even, strangely enough, of impregnating a female orangutan, reports the Kalimantan Press this morning.

The 38-year-old zoo keeper was filmed in full action by a series of hidden cameras put in place by the zoo’s security officials after doubts emerged about the man’s devious actions towards the zoo animals.

「Some animals seemed sexually aroused when it was time to feed them」 explains Akhiroel Yahya, employee of the zoo for 14 years. 「But what made us most suspicious was when we discovered Marylin, our oldest orangutan, was pregnant. She has never been in contact with any other orangutans because of her aggressive nature, so it didn』t make any sense」 he acknowledges, visibly troubled by the news.


The Surabaya zoo authorities became highly suspicious when Marylin, the zoo’s eldest female orangutan, was found pregnant three months ago

A 「total mystery」

The zoo officials admit it took them sometime before being able to explain what had actually happened.

「At first, we clearly did not comprehend what had happened,」 admits the zoo’s director, Abdoel Hakim. 「Marilyn has been secluded for the past 10 years, it was a total mystery,」 he acknowledges. 「It is only when we placed several hidden cameras that we learned the horrible truth」 he admits, visibly angered by the whole situation.

Consensual acts of 「kindness」

When confronted by local authorities, the offender denied any wrong doing on his part.

「He said everything he had done was consensual,」 explains police chief Abubakar Jaar. 「He said he loved each and everyone of the animals and was very sorry he had impregnated the orangutan,」 he told local reporters. 「He says he did not know orangutans could get pregnant from humans,」 he added.

A rare 「genetic predisposition」

If many experts believe the man could not have impregnated the female orangutan, some specialists claim a rare genetic predisposition could explain the unexplainable.


Paleobiologist Bachtiar Pado Panghulu of the University of Jakarta claims orangutan DNA is extremely close to human DNA

「Contrary to popular belief, the orangutan species is much closer to the human species than chimpanzees. We share practically the same DNA code, with only minute differences, which could explain the orangutan falling pregnant from this man」 explains Paleobiologist Bachtiar Pado Panghulu, of the University of Jakarta.

「Particularly in Indonesia, the genetic profile of some of the population is extremely close to the orangutan species, leading us to believe they』re might have been a common ancestor to both species only a few hundred thousand years ago,」 he admits.

Surabaya zoo, Indonesia’s largest zoo, repeatedly made headlines in 2012 because of its scandalous treatment of its animals after a former employee of the zoo claimed that over 50 animals had died at the zoo during the three months since he had been hired.

來源 source: http://ww.circle01.com
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