TOKYO, JAPAN - FEBRUARY 28: Students wearing Disney character hats and face masks leave Tokyo Disneyland on the day it announced it will close until March 15th because of concerns over the Covid-19 virus, on February 28, 2020 in Tokyo, Japan. A growing number of events and sporting fixtures are being cancelled or postponed around Japan while some businesses are closing or asking their employees or work from home. Prime Minister Abe has also asked schools to close for around a month as Covid-19 cases continue to increase and concerns mount over the possibility that the outbreak will force the postponement or even cancellation of the Tokyo Olympics. (Photo by Carl Court/Getty Images)
鑑於日本目前錄得愈來愈多確診武漢肺炎的個案,首相安倍晉三在日前就宣布從 3 月 2 日起全國高中或以下的學校停課需停課至 4 月的春假完結。而在今日較早時分,位於東京的迪士尼樂園亦宣布受影響影響,將會從明天起即時關閉樂園至 3 月 15 日,以避免增加病毒傳播的風險。
東京迪士尼樂園在今日宣布,因應目前日本正出現武漢肺炎的人傳人個案,為遊客以及員工的健康著想將會從明天起關閉樂園至 3 月 15 日,暫定將會在 3 月 16 日重新開放。至於已經購買了門票或預訂了酒店的人士,迪士尼樂園就表示將會退還所有費用。
除了迪士尼樂園所影響之後,日本政府亦要求取消或推遲未來幾週的大型集會以及活動,而不同機構亦先後取消了静岡第59屆模型展,日本年度大型動漫節「Anime Japan」以及日本電影學院獎;而將於 7 月舉辦的東京奧運目前亦未知能否如期舉行,將有待進一步的通知。
資料來源:The Japan Times
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