車子發不動…他開引擎蓋驚見「長出一窩松鼠寶寶」 松鼠媽路過:借我放一下小孩~
2021年04月09日車裡長松鼠了?國外生態學家Katie LaBarbera聽鄰居抱怨說,他們一個星期沒開車,車子竟然沒辦法發動,引擎蓋裡還多了一堆樹枝和樹葉。Katie立刻意識到,這不是惡作劇,很可能是野生動物生活的痕跡。她幫鄰居檢查時,在那堆樹枝和樹葉裡發現了4隻粉嫩的松鼠寶寶。原來松鼠媽媽轉進車裡,在這個安全的空間內築巢。
This evening I heard a neighbor talking outside my window: “Yeah, it won’t start, I think the battery’s dead. ....oh my god!!! I think it’s a squirrel! Is it nesting?!?”
— Katie LaBarbera, PhD in 🐦 (@FeatheredKatie)March 28, 2020
So I popped right out and asked if I could look. Well:pic.twitter.com/P5SUJTB8f1
And in the nest, sure enough: four pink babiespic.twitter.com/1BoSHmCAmQ
— Katie LaBarbera, PhD in 🐦 (@FeatheredKatie)March 28, 2020
I put the box next to her tree, but she wasn’t sure what to make of it. She was furious at us and not connecting the box to her babies.pic.twitter.com/sD5w1KuNM0
— Katie LaBarbera, PhD in 🐦 (@FeatheredKatie)March 28, 2020
I had noticed while moving the nest that the babies could be inspired by motion to make noise. I tried picking up a baby (normally I’d do this with gloves, but who has gloves now??) and it helpfully squeaked, and then suddenly - Mom was there!pic.twitter.com/28w4lbzRvc
— Katie LaBarbera, PhD in 🐦 (@FeatheredKatie)March 28, 2020
After that she didn’t need any help: she knew where her babies were. One by one she came and fetched the remaining three.pic.twitter.com/akCAETYHbe
— Katie LaBarbera, PhD in 🐦 (@FeatheredKatie)March 28, 2020
鍾意就快D Share啦!