現在大眾對「黑貓」的接受度都普遍提高、認為不過就是一種毛色罷了,儘管還是有人會認為在路上看到黑貓不太吉利,但對來自英國的野生動物攝影師特納(George Turner)來說,這次「遇見黑貓」的經驗,可是相當難得的幸運!
日前特納到非洲坦尚尼亞的納米里平原地區(Namiri Plains)拍照,竟巧遇了一隻黑色大貓咪,從牠的身形判斷,原來那是一隻「藪貓」(serval cat),但和一般藪貓擁有斑紋花色不同,這隻藪貓是全然的黑色,這是非常稀有罕見的!

The black serval. Can't describe how mind-blowing this was... and still is. For context, even seeing a “normal” serval is tough. They’re shy, secretive cats that tend to live in tall grasses — the perfect combination for staying unnoticed. Every time I’ve been privileged enough to see them, my heart skips a beat. Melanism (increased development of the dark-coloured pigment melanin in skin/hair) in servals primarily occurs in East Africa, particularly in the highland regions over 2000m, which is what makes this sighting particularly special. At around 1000m, the Namiri Plains, Tanzania, are considerably "lower" than the normal altitude were melanism is more prevalent. It's likely this particular serval travelled from the nearby - and much higher - Ngorongoro Crater and established a new territory. Nobody *really* knows why melanism occurs in servals. Some think the increased altitude (and forested habitat that comes with it) reduces exposure to daylight, encouraging melanism. There’s no guarantee that “Manja” (named after the guide at @asiliaafrica who first spotted him), should he find a mate, will produce melanistic kittens. As melanism is carried by a recessive gene, it could be years before any begin appearing in the area. The hope, for now, is that he continues to flourish in the grasslands and build on his territory. Also, what serval could resist those charming good looks?! [D5, 500mm f/4]
George Turner(@georgetheexplorer)分享的貼文 於張貼
▲2015年時另一位攝影師高斯(Jeremy Goss)也曾拍到黑化的藪貓。
來源:thedodo、IG/georgetheexplorer、africageographic、YouTube/Asilia Africa