紀錄片《惡血》揭開矽谷「女版賈伯斯」的最大騙局 網友:她故意用假聲說話?
2019年03月29日很多時候,現實比小說更精彩。我們之前介紹過矽谷「女版賈伯斯」Elizabeth Holme的3千億大騙局。她創建血液檢測公司「Theranos」,以假技術和簡陋的設備,騙取無數商場、政界菁英的信任,最後被拆穿,「Theranos」與她的名譽一起轟然倒地。
《「女版賈伯斯」3千億大騙局遭戳破 創業女神從千億身家歸零》
▼華爾街週刊記者John Carreyrou深入調查,2008年時寫成了《惡血》一書。這本書以深入淺出的筆觸,揭開了這個駭人聽聞的大騙局。
We are four minutes in on this#Theranosdoc on HBO and I cannot stop laughing at Elizabeth Holmes 「deep voice」
This story is absolutely fascinatingly absurd.#TheInventor
- Mattie-Lou Chandler (@MattieLouC)2019年3月19日
Also, can you imagine how exhausting it must be to keep up a fake voice 24/7?#TheInventor
- Brandi McNeil (@BrandiMcN)2019年3月19日
two seconds into the theranos documentary and chris screams IS THAT HER REAL SPEAKING VOICE
- amy brown (@arb)2019年3月19日
Do you notice how the women were like 「Elizabeth that’s fun but it’s not going to work」 and all the men were like…#TheInventor#Theranospic.twitter.com/irGeJGXDZn
- Lost Einstein (@LostEinstein)2019年3月19日
This documentary is scary because the same people being fooled into putting money in this sham company are people who have control over our economy. Investing our hard earned money without checking under the hood.#TheInventor#Theranos
- Lost Einstein (@LostEinstein)2019年3月19日
Elizabeth didn’t comb her hair, use conditioner, or fucking blink and no one raised red flags#TheInventor
- Nope (@ALaMode2)2019年3月19日
Non-blinking, blue eyed, deep-throated, black turtleneck wearing, blonde white woman in need of a deep conditioner:
"One drop of blood can be put in a box and spit out the results of 200 tests."
White Men & Walgreens:
(Invests millions with no proof!)#TheInventor
- Janell8ItAll (@LiveLoveLifeDo)2019年3月19日
I really wonder if she hadn’t have defrauded investors, would they have let her just keep on lying until somebody died?#TheInventor
- ashley 💕🏹 (@ashleyayer)2019年3月19日
▼「這個預告片裡集齊了所有元素:做壞事的女白人、有錢的老男白人、矽谷詐騙事件,還有Henry Kissinger。」
This. Documentary. Has. Everything.
White women behaving badly.
Stupid rich old white dudes.
Silicon Valley scamming.
Henry Kissinger.#TheInventor
- Caroline Albanese (@Calbanese)2019年3月19日
▼「Elizabeth Holme,為了顯得很威嚴,假裝自己聲音很低沉。」
Elizabeth Holmes… her put on fake deep voice for gravitas is a lot…#TheInventor
- Bärí A. Williams (@BariAWilliams)2019年3月19日
White privilege is when an investor will give you millions of dollars because your great grandad was an entrepreneur and your uncle was a doctor so you must be a natural at those things.#TheInventorpic.twitter.com/c7Td5QaomS
- kat calvin (@KatCalvinLA)2019年3月19日
Honestly, the biggest takeaway I have from@HBODocs#TheInventoris that Elizabeth Holmes was a textbook beneficiary of white privilege. No minority with the same lack of credentials and lack of actionable results would've gotten a far as she did.
- Joreen Belocura (@AgeofIrony)2019年3月19日
It’s been interesting to watch#TheInventor& the#FyreFestivaldocs to see how easy it is for some ppl to raise millions of dollars from investors without showing proof of anything yet POC struggle to get even ONE meeting w/ investors to show an already working concept.
- CJ Johnson (@cjjohnsonjr)2019年3月19日
▼這個驚天大騙局還準備拍成電影,主角由影后珍妮佛勞倫斯(Jennifer Lawrence)飾演。她同樣是金髮碧眼、年紀輕輕就功成名就,真的很適合這個角色。
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